Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Taking the feedback and using it

Evaluation of using the feedback
Nicole and I took the feedback in and went and filmed some more of the film, we filmed Lucy training in the unkown place and getting ready to escape, as we put this all together and added it to the video then we realised it really didn't work because she was all of a sudden from being sad and scared to up-beat music training and going straight from one mood to another just didn't work, so we decided just to scrap this bit as it didn't fit the film at all.
As the film still didn't have much left to it then i decided to work from what the film had and what we could do with it, now the plot has been changed to Lucy being unstable and not in a fit mental state, so we now are going to film where she starts seeing things that aren't actually there and going a bit crazy. This is showing she isn't in the right frame of mind from losing her brother and maybe she doesn't actually know what she wants.

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