Thursday 16 February 2012


In our film then i decided to break the film up into different scenes, there are 4 different little scenes in our film so far, these are;
-Picture scene, this is the section at the start with all the picture montage and voice over.
-Church scene, this scene follows Lucy to the church.
-School scene, this scene is where Lucy tells a friend how she is feeling.
-Home scene, this scene is when Lucy confindes in her mother about how she is feeling.
-Woods scene, this is the final section of the start of the film as it is when Lucy is running away from home basically.

Each of these scenes have been filmed in different places and have different reasons for being in the film.
I thought of the school scene as i thought it would be good to film Lucy in school talking to her friend around normal surroundings as she is in the library of the school where there are other people there too.
I also came up with the wood scene because i felt like the film didn't really have a reason to carry on watching it when it finishes and that nothing really that good happened in the film, so i decided we should put a scene of a bit of action in to the film.

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