Sunday 5 February 2012

Film Certification

When doing mine and Nicole's film then we have to think of what certificate our film could be, we have the choice's of the following:

Between the certficates above i think our film should be certificated as a 15 because it isn't actually physical of anyone being hurt but it could in some sense still be scary to some little children, and they might not understand what is going on as it is all to do with feelings and the war, so younger kids wouldn't really be interested anyway.
After evaluating the film and what happens in the begining of it then i decided that i would put the film at a 15 certificate because as the film goes on and 'Lucy' becomes unstable it's not very suitable for younger children and also they wouldn't really understand the plot. As the film goes on Nicole and I thought that Lucy would want to go of to the army but could get rejected because she isn't in the right fit state of mind. 

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