Friday, 9 December 2011

Film Ideas

I came up with some ideas of showing some realistic issues, such as domestic abuse, murder or rape. Also because i wanted the genre of the film to be drama so people can watch it without it being boring. I came up with the idea of a girl walking down a dark pathway at night drunk with a bottle of vodka in her hand who had just left a party who gets followed by a man in black and then gets murdered, but then i realised it was too cliché and as i watched other people's films on the blog a lot of them were based on scary films, and the usual type of stuff like murder and i wanted to bring a whole new idea to a film so i tried to think of a new idea altogether.

My Evaluation Of My Preliminary Task

My 180 degree rule which is showing below of my filming of the extract is my understanding of how the 180 degree rule actually works, this wasn't my original piece because i filmed a totally different extract to start with, which was between two girls fighting because one of them found their boyfriend with the other girl, i wanted to use this because it had more drama and was more funny, but as i watched the film afterwards i noticed from just one bit i had filmed the wrong side of one of the girls shoulder, which failed my film to show the 180 degree rule, so i re-filmed for this one which was an interview, this one was easier to show that i understood the 180 degree rule and also was easier to film and make sure i was sticking to the rule because people weren't moving all the time so it was easier for just me to move myself to show the 180 degree rule with the actors just sat down.

My Preliminary Task

This is my piece of filming for my extract of the180 Degree Rule for my preliminary task, which is just showing i understand how the 180 degree rule works.