Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Tim Roberts (Matthew) - Matthew is dressed in very casual clothes for most of the film as he comes back in some of the shots he is wearing army type of colours though to make him fit in with the army look but he still looks like in normal clothes as he is now back at home and how Lucy would remember him wouldn't of been in the army clothes.
Emily Sawtell (Lucy) - Lucy wears quite innocent and nice clothes because she is a nice young lady she isn't a punk rocker or a chav, she is just a normal teenager so wears the same type of clothes as another teenager would, we used most things to make Lucy seem feminin for example when she uses her mascara in the mirror, this also shows she is a teenager as they apply their make up quite a lot more regulary to the older generations of people.
Daisy Mcquaid (Mum) - As Daisy played the mum then we made sure she was in more mum type of clothes not young teenager clothes, she just dressed simply, but just as a young mum.

Research of Film Titles

As me and Nicole are still struggling to find a name for our film as the plot has changed then we thought it would be best to take some research into film names.
As we would like a title that appeals to make people want to watch it and something that goes with the film then i have researched army film titles the following could be for this type of title:
-We Were Soldiers
-Pearl Harbour
-The Lucky Ones
-Home of the Brave
none of these type of army films really fit our film as Matthew has already been to war so it isn't that he is going in.
We need a type of film title that could be with a pschological fault with someone because this is how the film is now, i took some research to find out some psychological film title names, some of these came up with this type of title;
-The Talented Mr Ripley
-Fatal Attraction
-The Game
-American Psycho
None of these i also don't find very well to go with our film because it just doesn't fit the film, we need something with like the word's 'soul' or 'spirit' as i feel the film will be better if it isn't too long a title and it isn't to over powering.