Monday, 23 January 2012


When filming this film as it is a war film and seems quite more of a film that would need to of been watched by people who understand what is going on, so it is aimed at tennagers both male and female. It could connect with some teenagers who are feeling the same and they don't realise what could happen if they changed their mind or how much of a big thing leaving everyone is, hopefully our film could help them to see what could happen.

The Guardian

We listened to a podcast in media through the Guardian which was about how women are represented in the media, it did show a lot of womens lack in the media.
We found out through this podcast that;
78% of articles are wrote by men.
84% men are on the radio - current affairs.
Through the podcast then the people talking thought that this could be because women can be less likely to push to get a chance to go on these radio shows. Also the hours through the media are very anti-family so women are less likely to be able to appear.
This shows that women are clearly not in the media as much as they should be.

When looking at mine and Nicole's film then our main character is also a boy, this wasn't on purpose but it just shows men are usually in the media and are more overpowering, however we do have another character who is a girl so our film is balanced but the main character is also still a boy.

30 Degree Rule

With having the 180 degree rule then there is also the 30 degree rule to take into consideration. The 30 degree rule is for when you are filming then not to move less than 30 degrees, becuase if you do film under it then when watching the film after filming when you go less than 30 degrees then it will just look as it would be jumping, it would also just look as there was a mistake in the filming, like the camera was just jolted. So each shot should be over 30 degrees to make it look like the shot was meant to change.  

Monday, 2 January 2012

Films i know to do with war.

The best film i knew which had stuff to do with war in it was 'Dear John', this film description is;
'A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he's home on leave.'
This film is a bit like my one because the film is about a man who falls in love with a girl when he is on leave, and then you see her not wanting him to leave and him changing his mind on going, this film is very touching and was a big hit in the cinema, this film also shows how realistic all of this is and brings the same thoughts to people as i would like my film too. With the film i will be creating then the boy is put in the same position because he no longer wants to go to the army either, when that is the same as 'Dear John' because he realises he wants to stay at home and not go back.


I decided to do some research on army films, to see what type of army films there were.
On the IMDb wedbsite i found the top 10 films were;
-Platoon                           (1986)
-Apocalypse Now            (1979)
-Tigerland                        (2000)
-Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
-Saving Private Ryan        (1998)
-Buffalo Soldiers              (2001)
-Enemy at the Gates         (2001)
-Full Metal Jacket            (1987)
-Jarhead                          (2005)
-The Great Escape          (1963)

The film that they rated no.1 on there to be the best was 'Platoon' which was made in 1986 and the description said the film was about;
'A young recruit in Vietnam faces a moral crisis when confronted with the horrors of war and the duality of man.'
This film was quite a lot different to our idea, the newest film that was on that list was 'Jarhead' so i had a look at what that one was about because it is more modern, this was the description;
'Based on former Marine Anthony Swofford's best-selling 2003 book about his pre-Desert Storm experiences in Saudi Arabia and about his experiences fighting in Kuwait.'
So both of these films were different to my idea, so i thought that the idea was still good to go on.

Idea for the end of the film.

There still was no reason why the boy all of a sudden wanted out of the army, and him getting nervous wasn't the best idea because he wanted to be like his Grampy so would probably be too determined. So after seeing all the soliders on the news coming back for christmas it made me think, when they have little kids surely they didn't know they were coming at one point and it was too late to stay and watch them grow up once they go to the army. So for a new twist to the film and to make it more realistic, i thought that the boy could have a girlfriend and she falls pregnant after he had sent of to apply, so this makes him change his mind because he then knows he is going to have a baby and wants to see him grow up.

An idea for the film

When i was at my Grampy's house then i was looking round and seen a picture of my grampy when he was in the war and all of the pictures of him, and it makes you proud. So i was thinking the idea of him going into the army could be because he was very proud of his grampy and wanted to be like him to make him proud of him. So i thought that at the start of the film the boy could be talking to his grampy who is an inspiration to him and then he catches look at the picture of his Grampy in the war and he starts to wonder, he starts to think he wants to be like his Grampy. Then i thought even though it isn't a very nice bit to the film but if his Grampy died that could really push him into going into the army because he really wanted to be like his grampy, so then he applies. This now brings and idea to the start of the film to make it better and for him to have a reason he really wants to go in to the army.

Thinking of changing the idea again.

When i looked at the film and how it was going i thought that there wasn't enough to it, there wasn't exaclty any drama and also there was no reason exactly why he was chasing his mind, also there was no reason why he all of a sudden thought of the idea of going in to the army. There was some thinking to be done to try and either change the film idea or to think of something better for the film.

Inspirations for the film.

On the news around about at this time round christmas, there is a lot about soldiers and about them coming home to their families and how it is emotional, this is inspirational because it shows how real life all of this is and what happens to soldiers and how they feel when they go to war. It shows all the family they leave, their lives. So i thought this could lead to why the boy could change his mind because he realises what he is leaving behind, or it could just be last minute nerves and he changed his mind. It has not been decided on why he is choosing to not go at the end of the film yet.

Changing the film idea

After we got told the film would be too cliche then a new idea got brought up of maybe thinking of making the film more realistic by having something to do with the army being in it. It was decided that the film would be a boy who applied to the army and then changed his mind about going and wanted to back out, but it was too late by the time he decided, so the film would follow everything the boy was thinking, and it would show how it was thought to happen in real life, so in the end the boy would run away. It was forgotten that it was only meant to be the first three minutes of the film, so the rest of the film would be what happened to the family and what the boy did after he had ran away and what would happen to him.